宫响,女,中国海洋大学博士,博士后,现任数学系副主任兼应用数学教研室主任,青岛市人工智能海洋技术创新中心骨干,发表高水平论文40余篇,承担国家自然科学基金、国家博士后基金、青岛市博士后基金以及人工智能技术开发项目等10余项。多次获得“jbo竞博体育电竞先进工作者”、“jbo竞博体育电竞先进女职工”、jbo竞博体育电竞毕业生“我最喜爱的教师”等荣誉称号;指导本科生和研究生参加数学建模竞赛,获得省级以上奖项10余项;主持参与多项研究生和本科生课程教改项目。往届毕业研究生超过半数进入中国海洋大学、中国地质大学等更高学府读博深造,欢迎乐观、勤奋、上进的员工报考! 发表的部分代表论文: 1) Wang Lixin, Xu zhenhua, Gong Xiang*, Zhang Peiwen, Hao Zhanjiu, You Jia, Zhao Xianzhi, Guo Xinyu, Estimation of nitrate concentration and its distribution in the northwestern__Pacific Ocean by a deep neural network model, 2023, Deep-Sea Research part I, 195. 2) Jia Xingbin, Gong Xiang*, Liu Xiaohuan, Zhao Xianzhi, Meng He, Dong Quanyue, Liu Guangliang, Gao Huiwang, Deep Sequence Learning for Prediction of Daily NO2 Concentration in Coastal Cities of Northern China, 2023, Atmosphere, 14(467): 1-15. 3) Chen Jianqiang, Gong Xun, Guo Xinyu, Xing Xiaogang, Gao Huiwang, Gong Xiang*, Improved Perceptron of Subsurface Chlorophyll Maxima by a Deep Neural Network: A Case Study with BGC-Argo Float Data in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, 2022, Remote Sensing, 14(3):632, DOI:10.3390/rs14030632 4) Zheng Yanlin, Gong Xiang, Gao Huiwang*, Selective Grazing of Zooplankton on Phytoplankton Defines Rapid Algal Succession and Blooms in Oceans, Ecological Modelling, 2022, 468, 109947. 5) Gong Xiang, Jiang Wensheng, Wang Linhui, Gao Huiwang*, Boss Emmanuel, Yao Xiaohong, Kao Shuh Ji, Shi Jie, Analytical solution of the nitracline with the evolution of subsurface chlorophyll maximum in stratified water columns , Biogeosciences, 2017, 14(9): 2371-2386. 6) Gong Xiang, Shi Jie, Gao Huiwang*, Yao Xiaohong; Steady-state solutions for subsurface chlorophyll maximum in stratified water columns with a bell-shaped vertical profile of chlorophyll, Biogeosciences, 2015, 12(4): 905-919. 7) Gong Xiang; Shi Jie; Gao Huiwang*; Modeling Seasonal Variations of Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum in South China Sea, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2014, 13(4): 561-571. 8) 贾兴斌,汪国菊,王仁政,宫响*,基于随机森林模型的太阳辐射中长期变化分析,已接收. 9) 王仁政,单正垛,孟思雨,宫响*,南海北部次表层叶绿素最大值年际变化特征分析,热带海洋学报,2021, 40 (6): 63-75. 10) 庄述鹏,宫响*,林婵,张淑华,基于广义回归神经网络的日总辐射曝辐量预估,太阳能学报,2019, 40 (01): 11-16. |