受教育经历 2013/09-2018.6 山东科技大学自动化学院 博士 2002/09-2005/07华东师范大学数学系 硕士 1998/09-2002/07山东师范大学数学系 本科 主讲课程:线性代数、高等数学、数值分析等 主持科研项目 1.山东省自然基金 多智能体系统的部分变元一致性控制 2015.8 2.jbo竞博体育电竞科研基金 2018.9 3.山东省自然基金 基于精确模型的忆阻神经网络动力学分析与控制 2021.1 参与项目: 1.国家自然基金 随机时滞动态网络的分岔控制与优化 2014.01 2.国家自然基金 一类新型BST纳米结构忆阻器的建模、分析及应用2015.1 3.国家自然基金 非线性参数化受限时滞系统的自适应迭代学习控制与故障诊断方法 2016.1 主要科研论文: 1. YoumingXin*,Zunshui Cheng,Observer-based consensus for linear multi-agent systems with intermittent communication, Neurocomputing, 2020, 377, 234-242. 2. Youming Xin, Yuxia Li, Xia Huang, Zunshui Cheng, Quasi-synchronization of delayed chaotic memristive neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, 49 (2), 712-718. 3. Zunshui Cheng, Youming Xin, Jinde Cao, Xinhuo Yu, Guoping Lu, Selecting pinning nodes to control complex networked systems, Science China, 2018, 61, 1537-1545. 4.Youming Xin, Yuxia Li, Zunshui Cheng, Xia Huang, Global exponential stability for switched memristive neural networks with time-varying delays, Neural Networks, 2016, 80, 34-42. 5.Youming Xin*, Yuxia Li, Observer-based consensus in networks of discrete-time switched linear dynamics under a fixed topology, International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(12), 2808-2815. 6.Youming Xin,Yuxia Li,Xia Huang, Zunshui Cheng, Consensus of third-order nonlinear multi-agent systems, Neurocomputing, 2015, 159, 84-89. 7.Youming Xin, Zunshui Cheng, Consensus control in Linear multi-agent systems with current and sampled partial relative states, Asian Journal of Control, 2014, 16(4), 1105-1111. 8.Youming Xin, Zunshui Cheng, r-consensus control for Higher-order Multi-agent Systems with Digraph, Asian Journal of Control, 2013, 15(5), 1524-1530. 9.Youming Xin*, Zunshui Cheng, r-consensus control for discrete-time high-order multi-agent systems, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 7(17), 2103-2109. 10. Youming Xin,Zunshui Cheng, Adaptive synchronization for delayed chaotic memristor-based neural networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, 34 (2), 601-610. 11.Youming Xin , Zunshui Cheng , Jinde Cao, Leszek Rutkowski , and Yaning Wang,Circuit Implementation and Quasi-Stabilization of Delayed Inertial Memristor-Based Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI:10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3173620. 12.Youming Xin , Yaning Wang, Lijun Mu, Zunshui Cheng, Stability Criteria of Delayed Memristor-Based Neural Networks via Continuous-Time Model and Interval Matrix Approach,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems,2023, 53, 5, 2716-2725. 13. Youming Xin*,Huiping Lyu, Huan Tuo, Zunshui Cheng, Event-based consensus for third-order nonlinear multi-agent systems, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2023,169,113269. 14. Yaning Wang, Huan Tuo, Huiping Lyu, Zunshui Cheng, Youming Xin*, Aperiodic Switching Event-triggered Stabilization of Continuous Memristive Neural Networks with Interval Delays,Neural Networks, 2023,164,264-274. |